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Cinema 4D Infinite 3D Loops

Cinema 4D Infinite 3D Loops Animation Course

Gain insight on how to create mathematically correct and attractive infinite animated loops in Cinema 4D. I will teach you how to make people watch your shots 20 times in a row.

Course by Oscar Pettersson
Cinema 4D Infinite 3D Loops Animation Course

What is this C4D course about?

Gain insight on how to create mathematically correct and attractive infinite animated loops in Cinema 4D. I will teach you how to make people watch your shots 20 times in a row.

Level: You’ve already started taking the first steps in the sphere and have a basic understanding of the work principles of this soft. Basic
Soft: Cinema 4D
Language: English
Course curriculum

What will I learn?

7 lectures / 3h+

Basic principles

In this first lesson, we will go through some of the basic principles for looping. Some math (radius, sin, and cos), keyframing, and the importance of even numbers. This will help you understand the fundamentals so you can come up with your own infinite loops when you are done with this masterclass.

Rigging & Animation Wheel of Strive

Here we will start building our loop with simple shapes and start tweaking our animation. We will use a lot of Align to Spline and polish our animation with a timetrack. We’ll also rig the camera to loop and see our animation coming to life.

Rigging & Animation Slide Strolling

We will do a complete reconstruction of my “Slide Strolling” animation. There will be e a lot of formulas and spline wrapping to get our weird curvy shapes. We rig the camera to loop and we will start to see our animation come to life.

Design Wheel of Strive

This is a small lesson where we add design elements to our loop. We also have an extra look at all elements and add bevels.

Design Slide Strolling

In this lesson, we make sure that we have enough subdivisions everywhere. We will also adjust the design, add bevels and make sure everything loops seamlessly.

Compositing Wheel of Strive

This lesson will be inside After Effects. Here we will import our render together with our masks. With adjustment layers and masks we fine-tune our colors. Lastly, we go through some tips for making it look perfect on Instagram.

C4D 3D Loop Animation Course

Compositing Slide Strolling

This lesson will be inside After Effects. Here we will import our render together with our masks. With adjustment layers and masks we fine-tune our colors. Lastly, we go through some tips for making it look perfect on Instagram.

About the author

Oscar Peterson

Oscar Pettersson is a Stockholm-based 3D motion designer with a deep dedication to solve intricate problems.

His delicate animations are on the edge of what’s physically possible. Oscar transforms complexity into geometric designs of the cleanest order.

With surrealistic texturing and infinite motion he leaves the audience with an urge to understand.

His work has been featured on Behance, Fubiz, Motionographer, and Stash to name a few.

Cinema 4D Infinite 3D Loops Animation Online Class

Learn fundamentals of modeling and animation

Start your first loop in Cinema 4D

Improve and stylize your animation

Cinema 4D Infinite 3D Loops Animation Course

Gain insight on how to create mathematically correct and attractive infinite animated loops in Cinema 4D. I will teach you how to make people watch your shots 20 times in a row.

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