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How to Make Smoke in After Effects with Shape Modifiers

March 23, 2021
Max Kravchenko

Max Kravchenko

Motion Designer & Tutor

In that case, we will try to use as many shape modifiers as we can. Find out how to use Repeater in combination with Merge Path and Round Corners. And the last modifier will be wiggle transform to make the random movement. What about other modifiers? We will be glad to see your experiments!

Guide: Creating Realistic Smoke in After Effects

Adding realistic smoke effects to your videos can enhance visual appeal and create a cinematic atmosphere. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of creating compelling smoke using Adobe After Effects. No prior expertise required—let’s get started!

1. Setting Up Your Composition

Open After Effects and create a new composition by clicking on “Composition” > “New Composition.” Set the desired resolution, frame rate, and duration for your project.

2. Creating a New Solid Layer

3. Applying Fractal Noise

4. Adjusting Fractal Noise Settings

ScaleAdjust to your liking
EvolutionAnimate for movement

Experiment with these settings to achieve the desired smoke appearance. The “Evolution” parameter can be keyframed to create the illusion of swirling smoke.

5. Colorizing the Smoke

6. Adding Movement to the Smoke

7. Fine-Tuning the Animation

8. Rendering Your Composition

Once satisfied with your smoke animation:

  1. Go to “Composition” > “Add to Render Queue.”
  2. Set your desired output settings.
  3. Click “Render” to export your video with the smoke effect.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully created realistic smoke in After Effects. Feel free to experiment with different settings and techniques to customize the look of your smoke for various projects. Happy animating!

What is the Motion Beast course?

This is the must-see course for any Motion Designer. It lays the foundation for all aspects of modern motion design and covers every topic from AE basics to character rigging and frame by frame animation.

The course will help you overcome AE-related barriers and fears which are standing between you and the wonderful world of animation and motion design


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