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Wiggle Transform in After Effects: Shape Modifier

March 14, 2021
Max Kravchenko

Max Kravchenko

Motion Designer & Tutor

Wiggle expression is so prevalent in After Effects. But we’ve prepared an exciting case to apply to all objects inside one shape layer. We will be using the wiggle transform modifier.

Animated Shape with Wiggle Transform in After Effects

The “Wiggle Transform” is a shape modifier in Adobe After Effects that allows you to add random movement and distortion to a shape layer. It’s a great tool for adding organic and dynamic animations to your designs. Here’s how you can use the Wiggle Transform:

  1. Create a new composition in After Effects by going to “Composition” > “New Composition” or using the shortcut Ctrl+N (Windows) or Command+N (Mac).
  2. Import or create a shape layer by going to “Layer” > “New Shape Layer” or using the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Y (Windows) or Command+Option+Y (Mac).
  3. Select the shape layer in the timeline panel.
  4. In the toolbar, select the “Rectangle” or “Ellipse” tool, or any other shape tool you prefer.
  5. Draw the shape on the composition.
  6. With the shape layer still selected, go to “Effect” > “Distort” > “Wiggle Transform” to apply the shape modifier to the layer.
  7. In the Effect Controls panel, you will see the parameters for the Wiggle Transform effect. Adjust these settings to achieve the desired animation:
    • “Wiggle Center”: Controls the position around which the shape wiggles.
    • “Wiggle Amount”: Sets the maximum amount of wiggle for the shape.
    • “Wiggle Size”: Defines the size or amplitude of the wiggle.
    • “Wiggle Rotation”: Determines the maximum rotation applied to the shape.
    • “Wiggle Speed”: Adjusts the speed at which the shape wiggles.
  8. Play back the composition to see the animated shape with the wiggle effect.

Feel free to experiment with different settings to achieve the desired look for your animation. The Wiggle Transform shape modifier is a versatile tool that can bring life and movement to your shapes in After Effects.

What is the Motion Beast course?

This is the must-see course for any Motion Designer. It lays the foundation for all aspects of modern motion design and covers every topic from AE basics to character rigging and frame by frame animation.

The course will help you overcome AE-related barriers and fears which are standing between you and the wonderful world of animation and motion design


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