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Scribble Effect in After Effects

April 11, 2021 ·
Max Kravchenko
Max Kravchenko Motion Designer & Tutor

Hi all! Today we will learn the new stylization option with the scribble effect in After Effects. It has plenty of sliders that will help you to achieve many different styles.

Guide to the Scribble Effect in After Effects

The Scribble Effect in After Effects allows you to simulate the look of hand-drawn animations and doodles. By creating animated lines that appear as if they were drawn in real-time, you can add an element of whimsy and personality to your projects. Whether you want to emphasize a specific element, create a hand-drawn title sequence, or add visual interest to your motion graphics, the Scribble Effect offers endless possibilities.

Understanding the Scribble Effect

The Scribble Effect works by animating a path or a stroke to simulate a hand-drawn appearance. It provides various parameters that control the characteristics of the scribbled lines, such as stroke width, line randomness, and speed.

Applying the Scribble Effect in AE

To apply the Scribble Effect to a layer in After Effects, follow these steps:

  1. Open After Effects and create a new composition.
  2. Import your footage or create a new solid layer.
  3. Select the layer to which you want to apply the Scribble Effect.
  4. Go to the “Effects & Presets” panel and search for “Scribble.”
  5. Drag and drop the “Scribble” effect onto the selected layer.

Customizing the Scribble Effect in After Effects

Once you’ve applied the Scribble Effect, you can customize its appearance to achieve your desired look. Here are some key parameters you can adjust:

  • Stroke Width: Controls the thickness of the scribbled lines.
  • Line Randomness: Determines the level of irregularity and variation in the scribbles.
  • Speed: Defines the speed at which the lines are drawn.
  • Color: Allows you to change the color of the scribbles.
  • Blending Modes: Experiment with different blending modes to achieve unique effects.

Animation Techniques

The Scribble Effect becomes even more powerful when combined with animation techniques. Here are a few animation ideas you can try:

  • Reveal Effect: Start with a blank screen and gradually reveal the elements by animating the Scribble Effect along a path.
  • Write-On Effect: Simulate the act of writing or drawing on a surface by animating the Scribble Effect along a specific path.
  • Animating Elements: Apply the Scribble Effect to individual elements within a composition and animate them independently to create dynamic and interactive visuals.

Creative Tips and Insights

To make the most out of the Scribble Effect, consider these tips and insights:

  • Experiment with Parameters: Adjust the stroke width, line randomness, and speed to achieve different styles and looks.
  • Combine Effects: Combine the Scribble Effect with other effects in After Effects to create unique and captivating visuals.
  • Layer Order: Arrange your layers strategically to ensure that the scribbled lines appear on top of the desired elements.
  • Use Masks: Apply masks to limit the areas where the Scribble Effect appears, allowing for precise control over the animation.

Potential Applications

The Scribble Effect can be used in various applications, including:

  • Motion Graphics: Add a hand-drawn touch to titles, lower thirds, and transitions.
  • Character Animation: Create animated characters with doodle-like outlines or add expressive lines to emphasize facial features and gestures.
  • Illustrations and Storyboarding: Bring your illustrations and storyboards to life by animating the Scribble Effect over them.
  • Explainer Videos: Use the Scribble Effect to highlight key elements or concepts in explainer videos.


The Scribble Effect in After Effects opens up a world of creative possibilities. By simulating hand-drawn lines and animations, you can add a unique and whimsical touch to your videos and motion graphics. Experiment with the parameters, combine effects, and unleash your creativity to create stunning visual effects and captivating animations.

Remember, practice and experimentation are key to mastering the Scribble Effect. Have fun exploring its potential and let your imagination run wild!

What is the Motion Beast course?

This is the must-see course for any Motion Designer. It lays the foundation for all aspects of modern motion design and covers every topic from AE basics to character rigging and frame by frame animation.

The course will help you overcome AE-related barriers and fears which are standing between you and the wonderful world of animation and motion design


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